About Us

We are located in Greenville, SC serving clients across the Southeast.

Founded in 2009

Our team has experience making all industries and company sizes successful.

Our mission:

​Do great work (us), with great people (you), for great people (your customers).

At STORY, we believe that every business has a story to tell, and we're passionate about helping you tell yours in a way that resonates with your target audience. Your story is the sales pitch, and we're dedicated to helping you craft and tell that story in a way that sets you apart in a crowded market.

Our team of experienced marketing professionals has the expertise and resources to develop a comprehensive marketing strategy that's tailored to your specific needs and goals. We're committed to pursuing excellence on a daily basis and helping you become a platform for growth.

We pride ourselves on our ability to provide exceptional service and results-driven solutions. Whether you're looking to improve your website's performance, increase your brand or products visibility with a campaign, or generate more leads consistently, we have the expertise and resources to help you succeed. Our team is made up of smart, talented, and experienced marketing professionals who are committed to your success.

If you're looking for a marketing partner that's passionate about telling your story and helping you achieve your goals, look no further than STORY. We're excited to work with you and help you tell your story in a way that sets you apart in a crowded market.

Let's tell your story together, and let your story be your sales pitch.

Industry Experience

By category and the number of companies we have worked with.

  • Healthcare and Wellness (25)
  • Professional Services (67)
  • Business and Finance (29)
  • Marketing and Media (40)
  • Technology and Innovation (42)
  • Manufacturing and Distributors (40)
  • Retail and Consumer Goods (11)
  • Hospitality and Entertainment (26)
  • Community and Government (31)
  • Service Providers (73)
  • Education and Development (12)

Next Steps...

Our team of seasoned professionals at STORY has a proven track record of delivering successful digital marketing campaigns. We work closely with you to understand your business goals and tailor our services to meet your unique needs.

Discovery Session

Schedule a virtual or in-person consultation to discuss your marketing challenges and goals and receive a proposal to overcome them.

Marketing Plan Creation

We create a customized digital marketing plan that aligns with your objectives. This is a deep dive into our data, market positioning and more.

Constant Optimization

Our team executes the marketing plan and continuously monitors and adjusts your campaigns to ensure ongoing success.