Google Ads

We leverage the prowess of Google Advertising, turning searches into opportunities, shopping experiences into conversions, and stories into video narratives.

google ads greenville sc

Partner with a Top Google Ads Agency in Greenville, SC

Google Search Ads: We convert user searches into valuable opportunities through strategic, data-driven ad messages, turning each click into a meaningful step in their journey with your brand.

Google Shopping Ads: Our approach simplifies the path to purchase and enhances your brand's e-commerce success precisely when potential buyers are ready to make a decision.

Google Video Ads: Engage your audience, drive conversions, and make a lasting impact with compelling visual narratives that turn impressions into emotional connections.

How We Execute
Your Google Ads

01. Discovery

We analyze your current marketing campaigns, evaluating strategies and performance in order to optimize strengths, fix weaknesses, achieve goals, and understand your audience.

02. Audience Identification

Defining and targeting your audiences ensures your ads reach the most relevant potential customers. Our research identifies the right audience to drive successful ad campaigns.

03. Keyword Selection

Keyword selection is crucial for reaching your target audience and maximizing ad budget. Our research selects terms that attract interested users, ensuring low costs and high conversion rates.

04. Conversion Tracking

We track conversions to link ad performance with campaign success, allowing us to optimize effective ads and keywords and eliminate ineffective ones.

Why Google Ads Work

Drive Targeted Traffic on Google with Goal-Oriented Strategies

Form Fills
Grow Form Fills

Expand your site traffic and generate more leads, applicants, and sales through your website’s forms.

Web Design (UI/UX)
Direct Users to Your Website

Guide your visitors through the beginning of the buying journey with Google Ads that direct your target audience to your website.

Store Visits
Increase In-Store Visits

Showcase your products and services to local customers via Google Ads with location targeting to increase in-store visits.

Phone Calls
Drive More Phone Calls

Increase calls from potential and current customers using Google Ads that feature your company’s phone number with a click-to-call option.

A Short story, told by our client.

" Our relationship with STORY has helped us rapidly grow our business with a strategic marketing approach. Thanks to STORY we now truly have a brand and that brand is cohesive across all aspects of our company and marketing.

Burt L. - Owner, One to One Plus

How to Use Google Ads to Target Specific Industries – 10 Tips

Google Ads is a powerful tool that allows businesses to reach potential customers through highly targeted advertising. Whether you’re aiming to attract clients from a broad audience or focusing on a specific industry or niche, Google Ads offers various features and strategies to ensure your ads reach the right people. This blog will explore how you can effectively use Google Ads to target specific industries or niches, maximizing your return on investment (ROI) and…

How to do Keyword Research for Google Ads: 8 Tips

Effective keyword research is the backbone of any successful Google Ads campaign. By understanding and utilizing the right keywords, you can significantly enhance your ad performance, attract more relevant traffic, and boost conversions. Here’s how you can leverage keyword research to improve your Google Ads performance. 1. Understand Your Audience The first step in keyword research is to understand your audience. Who are they, and what are they searching for? By gaining insights into…

How Effective Ad Copy Boosts Your Google Ads ROI

Google Ads stands out as one of the most effective platforms for reaching potential customers. However, simply creating a Google Ads campaign isn’t enough to guarantee success. One of the most critical components of any Google Ads campaign is the ad copy. Well-crafted ad copy can significantly impact the performance of your ads, influencing click-through rates, conversion rates, and ultimately, your return on investment (ROI). Let’s explore the vital role ad copy plays in…

Tracking Your Google Ads ROI: A Comprehensive Guide

Tracking the return on investment (ROI) of your Google Ads campaigns is crucial for understanding their effectiveness and ensuring you’re getting the best value for your advertising spend. Here’s a simple guide on how to track the ROI of your Google Ads campaigns. Set Clear Goals Before you can measure ROI, you need to establish clear goals for your campaigns. Are you aiming to increase sales, generate leads, or drive traffic to your website?…

Top 10 Biggest Google Ads Mistakes to Avoid

Running a successful Google Ads campaign can be a game-changer for your business. However, common mistakes can significantly affect your results. Let’s dive into some frequent pitfalls and how to avoid them to maximize your campaign’s effectiveness. 1. Ignoring Keyword Match Types Many advertisers overlook the importance of keyword match types in Google Ads. Using broad match keywords without careful consideration can lead to irrelevant clicks and wasted budget. Ensure you understand and use…

google ads expert typing on laptop

10 Best Practices for Setting Up a Google Ads Campaign

Starting with Google Ads can seem overwhelming, but with the right steps, you can set up a successful campaign that drives traffic and conversions for your business. This guide will walk you through ten best practices for setting up a Google Ads campaign in a simple and easy-to-understand way. 1. Define Your Goals Before you start, it’s crucial to know what you want to achieve with your Google Ads campaign. Are you looking to…