Building on Tradition
A company with a long history of luxury custom home building, whose website and logo were redesigned to match their top-tier services.

Sometimes our job is easy. When a client builds best-in-class homes and has a known brand, our job is to listen, create, and execute. Sexton Griffith has a long history as one of the top home builders in the South East. We were honored when they chose us to update their brand. Our goal is never to reinvent the wheel if the wheel is already in motion at a reasonable speed, so we began by examining what was great with their previous branding. After identifying that the lion head was the heart of their existing logo, we re-designed their logo to center around it, including the updated type and a more predominant size.
Honoring the old brand while designing a new one is one of our favorite ways to update an established brand. We love being able to build on a company’s accrued brand equity.
The approach to their website was simple. A clean, modern, design that minimizes the number of pages users have to navigate through to see the beautiful photos and content they are interested in. There is a perfect balance between a website being strategically planned, and being overplanned. Sexton Griffith’s new website is a great example of a website that sits perfectly in that balance.
Our scope of work for Sexton Griffith is on-going and includes web, media, and video.